Barbour County, West Virginia
(A Nonprofit Corporation - 501(c)(3)
I, (Print) ____________________________________, a volunteer of Animal Friends of Barbour County, Inc., (a nonprofit corporation), do hereby knowingly, willingly, voluntarily, without coercion or undue influence, state and declare that I assume entire responsibility for myself in case of all risks of injuries or illnesses that may happen while volunteering. This is to include any member of my family acting with me, or any damages to my or their property as a result of my volunteer activities. This includes working with, or for, Animal Friends of Barbour County, Inc., the Petsmart Charities store, located in Uniontown, PA, or any other location where animals under its control are kept or fostered, and while transporting any animals should I volunteer, and do so, in any vehicle owned and operated by Animal Friends of Barbour County, Inc., or any private vehicle, or for any AFOBC function.
I do hereby further state and declare that this release of liability shall be executed, and shall be retained by Animal Friends of Barbour County, Inc., and that Animal Friends of Barbour County, Inc. may rely on this release of liability in allowing me to serve as a volunteer for Animal Friends of Barbour County, Inc., in any sort of activity, whatsoever, on behalf of both or either organization.
Signature of Volunteer: ______________________________
Dated: _____________________________
Signature of Guardian, if volunteer is under age18: _______________________
Dated: ______________
Dated this _______ day of _____________, 20___
Taken, sworn and subscribed to before me, the undersigned authority,
on this _______ day of _____________, 20___
Notary Public

My commission expires: _________________